

What is hope and when do we call upon it? Hope is linked with desire and anticipating better things in life.  Perhaps you are experiencing some difficulties and things have changed with your plans, your family, your health, your career, your finances or whatever it might be.  You may feel on-edge, uncertain, and/or negative about […]


What do the words “staying engaged” mean to you?  Consider some of the following definitions: Being interested and involved; joining or participating; and/or undertaking some action or activity. As we age, our lives change.  And as our lives change,  we may not realize some of the changes that are taking place.  In looking back, do […]

What is WONDER, I wonder?

The Miriam-Webster dictionary defines wonder as something extraordinary or surprising in life. Do you remember the last time that happened to you and how that made you feel? I remember a time when I saw a shooting star blaze across the sky just before dawn.  It was totally unexpected, and I was in awe at […]

What exactly is anxiety and what can we do about it?

Even when good stress happens in our lives, we can feel anxious.  Having jitters, or worries, is a normal part of life.  But what happens when we have worry that goes beyond a healthy response to stress? Sometimes we start to worry too much about things and become hyper-aware of our circumstances to the point […]

Well-Being: Are you at peace?

What is well-being and are you at peace with yourself? There are many answers to this question, but it essentially boils down to three things:  feeling comfortable, healthy, and happy in your life.  Well-being is linked to satisfaction in life and ultimately, how you feel about yourself.  Well-being is tied to your mental health and […]

What is telehealth and why is it good for me?

Since the COVID pandemic, telehealth has become a popular way to see your doctor from the comfort and privacy of your home.  Telehealth can either be done via video visits and/or telephone visits. Most insurance companies allow both medical and mental health visits via telehealth. It is always wise to check with your health plan […]